You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money amount. Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount. If that amount of money cannot be made up by any combination of the coins, return
Example 1:
coins =
coins =
[1, 2, 5]
, amount = 11
(11 = 5 + 5 + 1)
Example 2:
coins =
coins =
, amount = 3
.- we know each solution is formed by at least 1 existing coin, so we check if dp[i-coin] exists.
- keep filling dp[i] with the min
Complexity: Time O(m*n) - m is amount, n is len of coins, Space O(m) - dp array
public int coinChange(int[] coins, int amount) { int[] dp = new int[amount+1];//0,1,2,..,amount for(int i = 1; i <= amount; i++){ int count = -1; //key is min count, all solutions must be generated from existing coin for(int coin : coins) { if(i >= coin && dp[i-coin]!=-1) {//skip non-existing solution int cur = dp[i-coin]+1; if(count < 0) count = cur; else if(cur < count) count = cur; } } dp[i] = count; } return dp[amount]; }
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