267. Palindrome Permutation II
Given a string
, return all the palindromic permutations (without duplicates) of it. Return an empty list if no palindromic permutation could be form.
For example:
s = "aabb"
, return ["abba", "baab"]
s = "abc"
, return []
1. start from i, first figure out if s is valid for palindrome by checking if have > 1 odd # letter. Use a map to record key-count.
2. If valid, reduce all even count/=2. If find the odd one, reduce to 0, and save odd letter.
3. DFS the left half till reach s.length/2, append to res with odd + reverse right half.
Time O(N!)
var s = "aasbb"; var map = {}; var res = []; var odd = ""; if (helper(s, map)) { for (var key in map) { if (map[key] === 1) { odd = key; delete map[key]; } if (map[key] % 2 === 0) { map[key] /= 2; } } dfs(map, [], res, parseInt(s.length / 2), odd); } console.log(res);//["absba", "basab"] function dfs(map, path, res, len, odd) {; if (path.length === len) { res.push(path.join("") + odd + path.reverse().join("")); return; } for (var key in map) { if (map[key] === 0) { continue; } path.push(key); map[key]--; dfs(map, path, res, len, odd); path.pop(); map[key]++; } } function helper(s, map) { var count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (map[s[i]] === undefined) { map[s[i]] = 0; } map[s[i]]++; } for (var key in map) { if (map[key] % 2 !== 0) { count++; } if (count > 1) { return false } } return true; }
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