如果当前子树的“极左节点”(从根节点出发一路向左)与“极右节点”(从根节点出发一路向右)的高度h相同,则当前子树为满二叉树,返回2^h - 1
注意:2^h ==> (int)Math.pow(2,h) or (2>>(h-1))or(1>>h)//shift is after '-','+'
In the worst case, you will have to keep making recursive calls to the bottom-most leaf nodes (e.g. last level only have one single node). So you end up calling countNodes() h times. Each time, you will have to do traversals along the left and right edges. At level h, you iterate zero times (no child). At level h - 1, you iterate once (one child). And so on. So that is 0 + 1 + 2 + ... + h steps just to compute the left edges, which is h(1 + h)/2 = O(h^2).
The space complexity will just be the size of the call stack, which is O(h).
public class Solution { public int countNodes(TreeNode root) { if(root==null)return 0; int left = getLeftHeight(root)+1; int right = getRightHeight(root)+1; if(left==right){ return (1<<left)-1;//(int)Math.pow(2,left) will exceed time limit }else{ return countNodes(root.left)+countNodes(root.right)+1; } } public int getLeftHeight(TreeNode root){ if(root==null)return 0;//recur即 return root == null ? -1 : 1 + height(root.left); int height = 0; while(root.left!=null){ height++; root=root.left; } return height; } public int getRightHeight(TreeNode root){ if(root==null)return 0; int height = 0; while(root.right!=null){ height++; root=root.right; } return height; } }
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