O(nlgn) - lgn diving n times, n-1 comparsion, when picking pivot int middle, mid pivot is good
worst O(n^2) - pivot happen to be max/min, breaking down list n time, each with n-1 comparison
O(lgn) for stack
avoid worst case by taking few samples and get median to be pivot
* last
(low-1)|65138479 2(pivot)//1st: 1 & 6 switch 2nd: wall++
1|(in ex: 0)5638479 2
pivot - bt
switch 1st ele on the right side of wall and switch with pivot
12|(swap at 1 = wall+1)638479 5(newpivot)
Recusive call:
- find pivot
- left (<pivot) wall right( > pivot)
recuse call reach subarray element that len is 1, sorted because been a pivot
public class quicksort { public static int partition(int[] arr, int low, int high){ int pi = arr[high]; int wall = low - 1;//wall is the index of last element in current sorted part for(int i = low; i <= high - 1; i++){//n-1 comparision if(arr[i] <= pi){//swap wall++; int tmp = arr[wall]; arr[wall] = arr[i]; arr[i] = tmp; } } //1st element right to wall is new pivot > old one if(arr[wall + 1] > pi){ wall++; arr[high] = arr[wall]; arr[wall] = pi; } return wall; } public static void qsort(int[] arr, int low, int high){ if(low < high){ int wall = partition(arr, low, high);//wall is sorted //diving n times qsort(arr, low, wall-1);//left subarray that val < pi qsort(arr, wall+1, high);//right subarray that val > pi } } public static void main(String[] args) { int[] arr = {6,5,1,3,8,4,9,2}; qsort(arr, 0, arr.length - 1); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr)); } }
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